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Sense Financial Seminar on Note Investing With Solo 401(k) Was A Success

Solo 401k

Solo 401k

I am very delighted to have participated in your seminar. The information you presented is very helpful and has inspired me to become more serious in getting started with real estate investments.

California residents have learned how to take control of their retirement accounts with self directed Solo 401(k) and earn greater returns after a recent seminar sponsored by Sense Financial – leading California provider of truly self directed Solo 401(k) plans. In a bonus presentation attendees also learned how to generate passive income through note investing.

On Tuesday, October 23rd many California residents attended the “Generate Passive Income through Note Investing” seminar put on by Sense Financial Services LLC in Yorba Linda, CA. During the two and half hour seminar they learned that just two percent of American households own a self-directed retirement account – the only way in which people can maintain control of their retirement funds. Participants in the seminar learned how they can take control, seek out investments with good track records and fortify their retirement funds. President of Sense Financial, Dmitriy Fomichenko, was one of the keynote speakers. He demonstrated participants how to move all, or some of their conventional IRA funds into Self-Directed Solo 401(k) so that they can use their retirement funds for non-traditional investments at any time.

Here are some of the unique benefits of Solo 401(k) Plan:

  •     High contribution limits (up to $55,500)
  •     Roth sub-account allowing tax free investing
  •     Solo 401k Loan feature, allowing participant to borrow up to $50,000 from the account for any purpose
  •     Virtually limitless investment options

In a bonus presentation, Anthony Martinez, nationally recognized speaker and educator, informed attendees how they can put their retirement money to work by investing in discounted notes, while helping homeowners remain in their homes. Mr. Martinez is a President of Asset Ventures, a company that negotiates real estate notes after identifying undervalued properties and helps create value for investors from real estate that is selling at distressed prices.

Sense Financial is the California’s leading provider of retirement accounts with “Checkbook Control”: Solo 401k and Checkbook IRA. Over the years we assisted hundreds of clients obtain checkbook control over their retirement accounts while providing them the ability to invest in virtually any investment class, including real estate, private lending, mortgage notes and much more without the need for custodian approval!

To learn more information about self directed retirement accounts with checkbook control, please visit http://www.sensefinancial.com

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